What We Do

HKC Operation Dragoon displaces the Vestiges of Nazism such as ISO with Hippocratic French Instiitutions of consistency, with Royal Societies under prior regimes, with qualitative International Units by Seven Chivalric Kingdoms, Doctrine Kyrios First, Liturgy French First

HKC Operation Dragoon displaces the Vestiges of Nazism such as ISO with Hippocratic French Instiitutions of consistency, with Royal Societies under prior regimes, with qualitative International Units by Seven Chivalric Kingdoms, Doctrine Kyrios First, Liturgy French First

Reject the Nazi Edward for meeting Hitler for the British Royal Society’s Munich Agreements

The International Standards Organization ISO and Edward stole property from holocaust victims, stole intellectual property from Continentals such as the Bernoulli_AEA with patents such as “practical flying machines” where Swiss shot down allied planes and gave our patents away to the Nazi war machine and then hid victims possessions in the Caribbean Ocean where Edward stole the islands claiming to be Nazi Governor where Elizabeth II was Nazi governor and her kid is a Nazi operating under deed from Hitler.

We have struck back with the Hippocratic Knighthood Commission HKC, the Copernican Guard, and shared this issue with Feuswealth memo inclusive to France to provide an alternative for the Good People, the Good Doctors, the Good Shepherds, the Good Nations.

HKC sells annual licenses for KYRIOS RELATIVITY and not the Nazi Standards and Nazi Mandates from the ISO but instead Seus International Units SI-UNITS, Neus International Units NI-UNITS, Meus International Units MI-UNITS, Keus International Units KI-UNITS, Deus International Units DI-UNITS, Geus International Units GI-UNITS, Zeus International Units ZI-UNITS.

We are sharing this issue with the Seuswealth of Nations in the French style, the Neuswealth of Nations in the Dutch style, the Meuswealth of Nations in the Prussian style the Continental style, the Keuswealth of Nations in the Polish style, the Deuswealth of Nations in the Jagphetic style, Geuswealth of Nations in the Merciorum Regnum style (the latin used by Frederick William II Batulis to describe America the United States of America where people in England wrote revisionist history to pretend there was Merica a place in England without the anatomical Merica ethnolingustic group the cadet line Batavi who are known as Bernoulli as Napoleon Bonaparte), the Zeuswealth of Nations in the Lithuanian style

Our Dievas Calendar contests Real Nazism not just the Swiss Nazis that went door to door collecting other people’s possessions in what they call a financial services industry , not just the


We at the HKC, and our Royal Societies have published Standard International Units Since Aristotle, Since Battuta, Since Copernicus, Since Kepler, Since Daniel Bernoulli contemporary and close friend of Leonhard Euler left St. Petersburg in 1724 due to censorship by a priest in one Orthodox Church[11] who was an 18th century version of Scientology splintering of the Copernican Guard and disagreements over his salary gave him an excuse for leaving St. Petersburg in 1733.[12] He returned to Universities in French, in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where he successively held the chairs of medicine, metaphysics, and natural philosophy until his death. The myth of a England-based Royal Society arises just since 1873 where England is still holding Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III “Bernoulli” Batulis’ remains for ransom at Imperial Mausoleum within St Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, in an act of witchcraft by people with four first names and no last name. Every scientist knows that Bernoulli were the best we are still here and the effort to paint over our work with a bunch of fairtale triumphalism won’t be believed after you see Edward go to Hitler in 1937 as a diplomat of the British Royal Society who lost WWII and were on the losing side of WWII and wrote a false history. There is a 5 billion year geology and there’s only a 3000 year history which means there has been selective concealing and unsealing of knowledge. The HKC is the Intelligence Services, Copernican Guard which has led this work throughout history and led the publishing of Kyrios Relativity which fproved Einstein wrong. There are International Units that change the world for the better in Seven Chivalric Kingdoms. There are Seven Chivalric Kingdoms of Royal Societies:

  1. Kent Polish Royal Society includes King of Poland and Grand Duke Sigismund III Vaza Batavian “Bernoulli” and Sir Henry Vane who founded calculus a generation before Newton where he was Polish-Norman and the “British” Royal Society was racist against him despite there was no English Copernicus, nor an English Kepler, nor an English Leonard Euler, nor and English Bernoulli where the languages of Breton of Cornish of Manx of Cumbrian on the island of Britain went extinct about the time “Prince” Edward went to Hitler in 1937 showing that American and French and Polish own English. Polish evangelized Keus “to observe, to perceive” International Units including skeu such as with a product as that’s our teaching and our word. Any four of those five men Kent Polish Royal Society accomplished more than the all of British Royal Society combined where their heroes are imaginary covenant written mostly since 1873 when England took Napoleon III’s body ransom.

  2. Atlantis Mericorum Royal Society have led the Life Expectancy First Mission since Sir Edward Spaulding introduced the apple to America, the BigApple who founded New Amsterdam deciding who would have an empire of big apples of indulgence of Copernican Guard who could have one and who could have none evangelizin his Geus “to taste to choose” International Units.

  3. Jotine Dutch Royal Society, Nederlandse Koloniale Rijk, Batavian Republic Royal Society have led the Ability First Mission since Sir Ibn Battuta evangelized Neus “fee schedule, announce, newborn” International Units the most traveled man of the Ancient World and King who went to his people and secured what is known and remembered as the Dutch Golden Age in evangelizing weights and measures at the imperial trade base Batavia “Jakarta” founding currencies up to and including the Yen the Won the Yuan. The British surrendered Hong Kong to communists the party that lost WWII like losers.

  4. Metabolic Lithuanian Royal Society, Deuswealth Royal Society, Lithuanian Grand Duchy Royal Society have led the Cure First Hippocrates Mission since the First Knight where Ekwos is Lithuanian but the horse anthropologically is America the horse is from here the horse is ours there were hunters that came to America and hunted the horse to extinction and horses escaped narrowly across the Bering landbridge and on down the Steppes of Europe crying and wailing at her loss into the outstretched hand of the First Knight the Batavi who said “what did they do to you girl?” evangelizing the Zeus International Units, Hippocrates was born and it was supposed to be cure first Oath where ZI Units such as in David Kent Napoleon Bonaparte IX “Bernoulli” Batulis’ Metabolic Topology are different qualitatively than DI Units on down including SI Units where Hans Adolf Krebs is wrong, Ivan Pavlov was wrong, the Atwater test for measuring calorie is wrong.

  5. Leading Expect Jagphetic Royal Society, the Feuswealth Royal Society, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Royal Society including Andrew Jackson Bernoulli the King who routed Napoleon at Waterloo where he was superior in horses. He then triumphantly returned to America to build the Erie Canal the longest project in the history of the world in 1823 and evangelized his metric system his Deus International Units.

  6. Hippocratic French Royal Society, the French Royal Society, the Seuswealth Royal Society including Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III “Bernoulli” metric system which includes the most significant upgrade with David Kent Napoleon Bonaparte IX “Bernoulli” Batulis Kyrios Relativity metric system disproving Albert Einstein in two fundamental directions. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III “Bernoulli” Batulis evangelized the metric system Seus International Units such as with George Seurat inspiring lingua franca pointalism where he said that data looks like a bunch of dots but step back from it and see the whole picture. “main energy” Seus consummating in the Deciplace system

  7. Batavian Medici Latin Royal Society, the Florence Galilean Royal Society, Batavian Medici Prime Bank Royal Society including Jonas the Great Batavian Frederick William II “Bernoulli” Batulis evangelized the Meus International Units in the Continental system building West Point in 1773 from Meus the imperative the fresh the Epicurean First.

    Hippocratic Knighthood Commission seeks membership funding work to permanently protect Seven Chivalric Kingdoms each Prioritization of the Hippocratic Oath, membership funding work to permanently protect Endorheic Basins Seven Chivalric Kingdoms Keus “to observe to perceive” Geus “to taste to choose” Neus “fee schedule, announce, newborn” Zeus “God of Hippocrates Cure First” Deus “God of Neurosystem First” Seus “Kyrios Relativity First, Main Energy First” Meus “Imperative, Fresh, Epicurean” for all the children of all the species for all of time including primates who have not reach a population of 10m yet. Endorheic Basins are 20% of land an issue of nutrient flow that by poor Shepherding, by poor Samaritans, by poor Crop Protection caused desertification. Desertification is solvable by real nutrient flow that reality is lawful and those laws are knowable in Seven Chivalric Kingdoms of International Units, in Seven Liturgies.

Our Mission

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

“Redford has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.”

— Quote Source

What We’ve Achieved

  • Donec condimentum enim sit amet felis dignissim laoreet adipiscing dignissim.

  • Vivamus egestas urna sed lorem sagittis, id lacinia erat porta cras.

  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.

  • Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.

  • Donec condimentum enim sit amet felis dignissim laoreet adipiscing dignissim.

  • Vivamus egestas urna sed lorem sagittis, id lacinia erat porta cras.

  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.

  • Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.

Endorheic Basins require Good Shepherds, Good Samaritans, Good Crop Protection, and Real International Units

Endorheic Basins require Good Shepherds, Good Samaritans, Good Crop Protection, and Real International Units

Endorheic Basins require Good Shepherds with Real l